Alison Lee

Alison Lee

TEMPLATE OF THE WEEK – PAIA – 10 September 2021

Good Day Readers

Last week we published an ALERTER informing you that the final Revised PAIA Regulations were published on 27 August 2021. In that ALERTER, we gave you a summary of the PAIA Act, incorporating the amendments as per the PAIA Amendment Act and the final Regulations as well as the forms and fees which have been adjusted as per those revised Regulations.

We have now developed a new updated PAIA manual template for use in one’s organisation.  This template covers all the amendments to the PAIA Act and the recently published amendments.

This template is available to our subscribers at no cost and it would have been already sent to you in your weekly newsletter.  For any reader who wishes to purchase this template, it is available for R1000 plus vat.  Please contact us should you like to purchase a copy of this template.

Below, please find the outline of the amendments made to the PAIA Act:

  1. Obligations of Information Regulator – Availability of PAIA Guide
  2. Obligations of Information Officers – Availability of PAIA Guide
  3. Access to Information – Automatic Availability of Certain Records of Public Bodies
  4. Voluntary Disclosure and Automatic Availability of Certain Records of Private Bodies
  5. Availability of Records of Political Parties
  6. Request for Access to Information
  7. Outcome of Request and of Fees Payable
  8. Internal Appeal Against Decision of Information Officer of a Public Body
  9. Complaints to Information Regulator
  • Lodging of complaints
  • Procedure regarding investigation of complaints
  • Settlement of matter
  • Conciliation of matter
  1. Assessment
  2. Electronic Communication
  3. Offences and Penalties
  4. Repeal and Transitional Provisions


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