Lee’s Compliance offers various generic policy templates which can be customised for use within your Organization
Lee’s Compliance can assist with the design, configuration and implementation of a holistic and realistic Compliance Program and its interrelated parts including a Compliance Policy, Framework and Road Map, Compliance Universe and separate Compliance Programs per law as well as organisation policies and procedures.
In order to ascertain if the organization is complying with all the laws which apply to its operations, Lee’s Compliance can conduct a detailed legal compliance audit on an enterprise wide basis.
On completion of the Audit, a detailed Audit report and a corrective action program will be supplied, allowing the organization to correct its compliance deficiencies.
Lee’s Compliance offer In House Training on Selected Legal Topics. Material can be customised to suit individual training requirements. We offer 3 day, 1 day and 3 hour courses.
Lee’s Compliance will keep the Organization up to date on all things legal by way of the following electronic newsletters:
The Legal Team is an on line compliance and document management tool, a one-stop legal portal, housing all regulatory information applicable to one’s organization– Acts, Regulations and related summaries, articles, templates, checklists and guidelines – your virtual compliance library and office, all under one roof and online all the time, enabling the entity or any of its business units or subsidiaries, to measure, ascertain and improve its respective levels of compliance with the relevant and applicable laws.