Alison Lee

Alison Lee

NEWSFLASH FOR WEEK 2 (07 – 11 November 2022)

Dear All,


Please see the latest happenings for this week.


Alison and her great team.






Government clarifies big changes to BEE laws in South Africa

The government remains wholly committed to transformation and empowerment as envisioned in the Constitution, says Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana.

The Minister made the commitment during a press briefing on Tuesday on the new Preferential Procurement Regulations (2022 Regulations) under the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (PPPFA).







 London court forces Glencore to pay record £281m for bribery in Africa

The mining and commodities giant Glencore will be forced to pay £281m in fines, confiscated profits and costs as punishment for “sustained criminality”, the largest ever payment imposed on a company in a UK court.

A judge at Southwark crown court in London on Thursday said offences by a UK subsidiary of Glencore showed high culpability for the “highly corrosive” offence of bribery.






US Treasury slaps sanctions on four ‘members of Isis cell in South Africa’


The US Treasury has claimed Hoomer raised money for his Isis cell through kidnapping and extortion, and that he has been in contact with Isis members in the DRC as well as throughout SA.





Climate justice demands set to dominate COP27


The 2022 United Nations Climate Change Conference or COP27 starts today in Egypt with the presence of African countries larger than ever before.



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