Please see below the latest Legal happenings for this week.
ENVIRONMENTAL TIGHTER MANUFACTURING REGULATIONS FOR PLASTIC BAGS The use of 100% post-consumer recyclate in plastic carrier and ‘flat’ bag manufacture could be mandatory from 1 January 2027. |
DATA PRIVACY CAPE TO BE FIRST WITH CCTV LAW The Western Cape aims to become the first province to create legislation to govern the use of CCTV cameras in public spaces and on private properties. The City of Cape Town is pushing for the legislative framework which currently does not exist.
MINIMUM WAGE ACT ERROR CORRECTED The 2020 National Minimum Wage Amendment Act was gazetted and is immediately effective.
WILL YOUR INSURANCE PAY OUT IF YOU’RE IN A CAR ACCIDENT WITH AN EXPIRED VEHICLE OR DRIVER’S LICENCE? Expired vehicle and driver licences are causing a bigger problem than we realise, and it’s having a knock-on effect on many other aspects.
Please note that this is a high level overview of the Regulatory developments. This content is made available at no charge. Should you however, require a more detailed regulatory service, please send us an e-mail setting out your requirements.