Alison Lee

Alison Lee


The role and position of Chief Legal Officers, General Counsel and Company Secretaries, leaders of in-house legal teams, company secretarial departments and ma­nagers of their organisation’s legal and corporate risk, continues to flux and expand.

Chief Legal Officers (CLO), General Counsel (GC) and Company Secretaries (CS), (collectively referred to as “GC”), are no longer confined to the back-office where they draft contracts and are called in to assist only when something goes wrong, acting in a reactive fashion, their role misunderstood, and their value completely underestimated or overlooked.

Instead GCs today are very much in the forefront, where they are expected to be proactive members of the corporate decision-making team, who are required to provide sage, sound and reliable legal and business advice and direction, who manage, direct and act as change agents and who are, as a result of this expanded role, largely respected and relied on by the organization, its directors and colleagues.

In order to rise up and meet these challenges and expectations, GCs are relooking at how they deliver legal and company secretarial services; where old approaches are making way for a more modern, agile and cutting-edge approach; where new and innovative technology is being deployed and used, in tandem with astute legal professionals, who in consequence are driving efficiencies, managing risk and at the same time allowing for change – the ultimate modern legal and company secretarial department.

Now is therefore the time to build the ultimate modern legal and company secretarial department.

Attend the three-day masterclass to learn just how this is done: how to prepare for future challenges internally and externally, how to harness the effects and positive attributes of legal technology and how to become, quite simply, a modern legal and corporate advisor and business leader, who wins a seat and keeps it at the C-Suite.


Master Course for Chief Legal Officers


29 – 31 Oct

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