Alison Lee

Alison Lee


Introducing The Legal Team

Your ONE-STOP Compliance Tool


Does your Organization have an effective Enterprise wide Compliance Program?

   Piecing together the
puzzle can be a
daunting task.
Compliance can no longer be viewed in isolation to the rest of one’s Organization but must become part of the overall business strategy of any Organization’s operation – no matter how big or small. Compliance needs to be a non-negotiable and pervasive practice that is implemented throughout the Organization and performed by all.
Before a Compliance Program can be established, the Organization must understand what “compliance” means to it and its stakeholders and what laws, regulations, policies and codes, external and internal, apply to the Organization. Once these laws have been identified, a Compliance Program per law, must be developed and implemented across the various operations making up the Organization.
However, building an effective Compliance Program is easier said than done. In many cases, it is handled in a fragmented and incoherent manner with the tiny fragmented pieces of the larger puzzle not making any sense.
The Legal Team, can assist you.
The Legal Team is a secure cloud-based software solution that gives the Organization, management, and its legal and compliance function a single view of its compliance and contract related obligations, risks, tasks as well as its performance requirements and outcomes.
The Legal Team manages and houses all contract and compliance related tasks under a centralised umbrella portal. All requirements from a policy, contract and compliance perspective, can be planned, developed, implemented, acted and reported on, across the entire business, demonstrating to internal stakeholders, clients and partners that the Organization is compliant.
The Legal Team provides an Organization with a one-stop, comprehensive Compliance Program.
The Components which make up The Legal Team
The components making up the Legal Team include:
  • The Compliance Universe known as The  Umbrella Report
  • The Compliance Program
  • The Regulatory and Compliance Update Team
  • The Policy Team
  • The Permit Team
  • The Report Team
  • The Audit Team
  • The Training Team
  • The Legal Library
  • The Document Management Tool


The Legal Team GRC Software tool is a Microsoft enabled web-based application housed in an Amazon cloud that can be accessed from anywhere by a user provided the user has website access.

It will be deployed and made available independently of any of the Organization systems.

Users will simply have to log into the site via the world wide web, and insert their user name and password and they will then be given access to the system.

The Organizations documents can be migrated, uploaded or exported to The Legal Team portal where they will become a seamless component of the Organization’s Compliance Program.

All content provided and available on The Legal Team, has been or will be developed by the Lee’s Compliance Team according to the Organization’s requirements.


THE LEGAL TEAM was the brain child of Alison Lee, an admitted attorney and director and owner of Lee’s Legal Compliance Services (Pty) Limited, (Lee’s Compliance) a successful legal compliance consultancy, which, inter alia, offers Organizations a full suite of compliance services and solutions, assisting them with all their regulatory and compliance requirements and needs.

Alison Lee is a well know public speaker and trainer, writer and contributor of legal content, who provides insightful and interactive content to big and small audiences, covering a multitude of legal and compliance related topics, which are presented in a humorous and practical manner.

In addition to the above, Alison Lee is the CEO of the Corporate Counsel Association of South Africa (CCASA) a SAQA recognized and accredited professional association, which association represents and supports the Corporate Counsel Community of South Africa, a position which she has held since 2004.

Before re-entering the practising environment, Alison Lee held the position of a Legal Advisor at British America South Africa for a 5-year term and then took up the position of General Counsel at SAB Miller (now Ambev) a position she held for an 8-year term.

Alison Lee has over the past 25 years assisted Organizations with their compliance related requirements, providing them with general as well as specific and customised compliance programs and solutions.

As part of this journey, Alison Lee has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on the complicated and ever-changing topic – compliance, and who is viewed as a subject matter expert in this field.

Using this knowledge and experience, Alison Lee, together with her capable in house team has designed and developed in conjunction with a legal software company – MAGIC8 – a unique legal and compliance management tool, known as The Legal Team, which using a multitude of compliance related documents, templates and related tools, and importantly, current and up to date legal content, establishes, manages and monitors an Organization’s Compliance Program.


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