The Company Bills are now out in paper format!! A detailed synopsis of the Bills is set out under a stand alone note.
Other movements which are worth taking note of include:
- Revised Pharmacy Fees- dispensing;
- Regulations in respect of Medical Devices;
- New Regulation in respect licenses for Agricultural Remedies;
- Draft Regulations pertaining to Appeals under NEMA;
- Publication of the RICA Amendment Bill- purpose being to amend RICA, to give effect to the Constitutional Court judgment in Amabhungane Centre for Investigative Journalism and Others v Minister of Justice and Correctional Services and Others [2021] ZACC where the Con Court declared RICA unconstitutional, to the extent that it fails to provide adequate safeguards to protect the right to privacy, as buttressed by the rights of access to courts, freedom of expression and the media, and legal privilege. The Bill to this end gives effect to the judgment by providing for – the notification of persons of their surveillance as soon as the notification can be given without jeopardising the purpose thereof after surveillance has been terminated;-to provide for the designation of an independent designated judge, the designation of an independent review judge, powers and functions of the review judge and the tenure of designated and review judges. It also seeks to provide for safeguards to address the fact that interception directions are sought and obtained ex parte. It further provides for procedures to ensure that data obtained pursuant to the interception of communications is managed lawfully and not used or interfered with unlawfully. The Bill further seeks to provide for procedures to be followed in examining, copying, sharing, sorting through, using, storing or destroying the data. Finally, the Bill provides for adequate safeguards where the subject of surveillance is a practising journalist or lawyer.
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