Dear All,
Compliance movements remain slow, however, please see below the notable compliance changes:
- Agricultural Products Standards Act: Inspection fees increase for 2022/2023 for processed meat products;
- National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act: Various areas are potentially being declared Protected Areas, these have been released for Public Comments;
- Financial Matters Amendment Bill: Explanatory summary;
- Unlawful Entry on Premises Bill: Draft: Comments invited; and
- Border Management Authority Act: Commencement
Till Friday – and our news flash…
Alison and her great team.
Agricultural Products Standards Act: Inspection fees increase for 2022/2023 for processed meat products
National Environmental Management Act: Appointment of the Ministerial Task Team
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act: Intention to declare certain properties situated in the Western Cape Province as part of the existing Agulhas National Park: Comments invited
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act: Intention to declare certain properties situated in the Western Cape Province to be part of the existing Table Mountain National Park: Comments invited
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act: Intention to declare land situated the Northern Cape Province to be part of the existing Mokala National Park: Comments invited
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act: Intention to declare land situated the Western Cape Province to be part of the existing Karoo National Park: Comments invited
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act: Intention to withdraw the National Park Status of Groenkloof National Park: Comments invited
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act: Intention to declare land situated in the Eastern Cape Province as part of the existing Camdeboo National Park: Comments invited
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act: Intention to declare land situated in the Northern Cape Province as part of the existing Augrabies National Park: Comments invited
Financial Matters Amendment Bill: Explanatory summary
Auditing Profession Act: Registration of auditors and candidate auditors: Temporary deviation
Immigration Act: Opening of all ports of entry
Labour Relations Act: Cancellation of registration of trade union: South African Private Security Workers Union (SAPSWU)
Unlawful Entry on Premises Bill: Draft: Comments invited
Use of Official Languages Act: Exemption from establishing a language unit: South African Weather Service
Border Management Authority Act: Commencement
Justices of the Peace and Commissioners of Oaths Act: South African Insurance Crime Bureau: Amendment
Should you like to receive more detailed reports, please contact us directly for further information.