Dear All,
Due to the lack of major movements, we have taken the decision to combine this weeks Gazette Watch and Newsflash.
Please see below for a few highlights of this week’s movements.
Alison and her great team.
Are South Africa’s pesticide rules outdated?
Farm workers and consumers should be worried, says public health expert. But industry body says food security depends on the pesticides in use. South Africa’s regulations on agricultural pesticides are “ancient” according to a public health specialist. Many of the active ingredients in pesticides still used on local crops have already been banned in the European Union (EU) because of the danger they pose to farm workers, consumers and the environment.
Government introducing new rules for lightbulbs in South Africa – what you should know
The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) is considering new standards for lightbulbs in South Africa in a bid to move away from old, outdated and inefficient lighting technologies. Responding in a recent written parliamentary Q&A, minister Ebrahim Patel said that his department called for public comment on the new standards in March 2021, and is currently in the process of finalising the new regulations. He added that the new specifications are expected to be published in the government gazette by September 2022.
Treasury publishes final amendments to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act
Amendments to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act to encourage Infrastructure Investment by retirement funds The National Treasury has published the final amendments to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act, as published as Notice No. 2230 in Government Gazette No. 46649 of 1 July 2022).
Private Security Industry Regulation Act: Regulations: Training of Security Service Providers in the Private Security Industry: Comments invited Private Security Industry Regulation Act: Regulations: Use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System in the Private Security Industry: Comments invited
Regulators ‘raise BEE focus but set clear pathway’
Customs and Excise Act: Amendment of Rules
Electronic Communications Act: Community Television Broadcasting Service and Radio Frequency Spectrum Licences for Multiplex 1 Frequencies: Invitation to pre-register
National Environmental Management Act: Intention to replace regulations to domesticate requirements of Rotterdam Convention on Prior Informed Consent Procedure for certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade: Comments invited
National Environmental Management Act: Regulations: Management of Mercury in South Africa: Draft: Consultations: Comments invited
Are South Africa’s pesticide rules outdated?
Films and Publications Act: Classification guidelines for classification of films, games and certain publications
No child under 10 should ever play a computer game alone, say SA’s new censorship rules
Tax Administration Act: Reappointment of the 2017-2022 Panel of Tax Court Members (English / Afrikaans)
Auditing Profession Act: IRBA Rules arising from the International Standards on Quality Management: Amendments: Comments invited
Government introducing new rules for lightbulbs in South Africa – what you should know
SA looks to ban some batteries, bulbs, and skin-lightening soaps next year. Here’s why.
Labour Relations Act: Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council: Extension to on-parties of the Consolidated Pension Fund Collective Amending Agreement (English/ isiZulu)
Labour Relations Act: Extension of period of operation of the main collective agreement to non-parties: Bargaining Council for the fishing industry
Labour Relations Act: Intention to cancel registration of employers’ organisation: Paper Packaging Employers’ Organisation: Comments invited
Labour Relations Act: Intention to cancel registration of trade union: Trawler Line Fishermen’s Union: Comments invited
Labour Relations Act: Metal and Engineering Industries Bargaining Council: Extension to non-parties of the Consolidated Provident Fund Collective Amending Agreement
Labour Relations Act: Intention to cancel registration of trade union: South African Correctional Services Workers Union: Comments invited
Labour Relations Act: Intention to cancel registration of trade union: Administrative Library and Technical Staff Association (ALTSA): Comments invited
Dental Technicians Act: Improper or disgraceful conduct: Fine: Amendment
Medical Schemes Act: Regulations: Amendment: Comments invited
Pension Funds Act: Regulations: Amendments
Treasury publishes final amendments to Regulation 28 of the Pension Funds Act
Fuel prices to reach record highs in July
Division of Revenue Act: Allocations and conditional grants for local and provincial governments
Protection of Constitutional Democracy Against Terrorist and Related Activities Amendment Bill: Explanatory summary
Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy 2022: 2022 CMTP Decade Plan: CMTP 2022 Trophy/Statue Design Competition: Announcement of Contestant
Road Accident Fund Act: Prescription of Form RAF 1
Naamsa: act fast as motor industry heads for wipeout
Private Security Industry Regulation Act: Regulations: Training of Security Service Providers in the Private Security Industry: Comments invited
Private Security Industry Regulation Act: Regulations: Use of Remotely Piloted Aircraft System in the Private Security Industry: Comments invited
Magistrates Act: Determination of salaries and allowances of magistrates
Judges’ Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act: Determination of remuneration of Constitutional Court Judges and Judges
International Trade Administration Act: Policy Directive: Automotive Production and Development Programme Phase 2 (APDP2): Amendments
Foreign Service Act: Regulations, 2022
Civil Aviation Act: Regulations: Amendment: Comments invited
South African Qualifications Authority and National Qualifications Framework Act: Annual fees payable
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