Alison Lee

Alison Lee

NEWSFLASH FOR WEEK 2 (08 – 11 February 2022)

Dear Reader,

Please see the latest happenings for this week.




No symptoms, no isolation and full-time return to school: Govt announces new Covid-19 rules

The new rules were “based on the trajectory of the pandemic and the levels of vaccination in the country”, the presidency said on Monday night.

If you test positive for Covid-19 but are not showing symptoms, you do not need to go into isolation.




Old Mutual, Sanlam and Futuregrowth say no customer data was compromised in Curo cyberattack

Old Mutual, Sanlam and Futuregrowth say their customers have no reason to worry about the recent cyber-attack on their investment administration service provider’s systems.






Mpumalanga court blighted by fire and security risks, lack of maintenance

A court building beginning to fall apart three years after it opened, broken equipment and shoddy maintenance, water shortages and dysfunctional fire extinguishers.







South African national minimum wage and earnings threshold increased

On 7 and 8 February 2022, two significant developments took place in the employment law arena. These will have far-reaching implications for employers and employees alike.

  • New earnings threshold and
  • Increases in the national minimum wage.


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