We had two important notices concerning POPIA – see below for more information. ONE: INFORMATION OFFICERS AND DEPUTY INFORMATION OFFICERS As predicted, a final
We had two important notices concerning POPIA – see below for more information. ONE: INFORMATION OFFICERS AND DEPUTY INFORMATION OFFICERS As predicted, a final
23 April 2021 TIME TO REFRESH YOUR PAIA MANUAL Section 32 of the Constitution of South Africa provides that everyone has the right of access
Dear Reader, Forgive us, but POPIA movements have kept us busy! We therefore have a lot to report on with regards to legal movements over
Sections 2 – 38, 55 – 109, 111, 114 (1), 114 (2), 114 (3) commenced on 1 July 2020. Sections 110 and 114 (4) shall
Your ONE-STOP Compliance Tool Does your Organization have an effective enterprise wide Compliance Program which: Identifies the laws which apply to your operations? Sets out